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#765, February 16 - February 22:
The Weekly Extreme Str8ts Puzzle

by Andrew Stuart

WARNING: This is the Weekly 'Extreme' Str8ts.
Only attempt this puzzle if you have time and patience.
Using the solver will not help you. (much).

Oct 18th 2024
The solver can now handle Str8ts variants. Yay! The solver button on the player will now pass an appropriate parameter.
Since there has been interesting strategy discussion on these puzzles and by popular request, I have opened an archive on the last thirty weeks. The discussion section is open for continued posting.
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Please email me if you experience problems or bugs. Cheers, Andrew Stuart

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by: Susi

Thx flowerwaffle, it's very confusing... ;)
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by: Susi

I ask myself if I have the same str8ts as all of you. Opinion in A1; h/l in D8? Both black fields...

by: flowerwaffle

As you can see below, those comments were posted under the other str8t variations.

The comment on A1 belongs to the X-puzzle and D8 is about the Jigsaw puzzle posted by hepa.
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by: hepa


by: flowerwaffle

 lots of fun, right high/low decision in D8 was key

by: jo

Nice challenge, thanks! :)
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by: UR tutorial by BP

Hi all!

I've written another tutorial, which Andrew kindly has hosted on this site. You may find it under "Str8ts Explained" in the main menue: "Unique Rect. Strategy".

The tutorial is aimed at UR newbies and those who know the concept but struggle with the correct way of applying it. It contains a basic explanation of the Uniqueness Assumption and the UR strategy plus many examples that should help the reader get familiar with the concept. It's not supposed to completely cover all there is to the UR strategy, just to give you a starting point and close the gap in this site's strategy info.

Have fun!

Petra (BP)

by: MartinL

 By the way: there is a nice UR in the upper right corner of today's puzzle. But I have to admit: I don't know whether it helped...

by: Carpat

 Hi Petra,
could you provide the link to your UR tutorial, thanks!I failed to find it.

by: BP

 @Carpat, the link is
Seems it is not listed in the mobile version of the page index yet.

by: Andrew Stuart

 Thanks for the reminder BP. Mobile links added. And thank-you for the excellent strategy overview.

by: Carpat

 many thanks Petra & Andrew!

by: proteus

I would consider myself as an experienced Str8ts solver, but I can still always learn something from Petra's tutorials. Fantastic! Thank you, Petra!
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by: acs

 The Weekly Str8ts X puzzle #157

by: OneGuess

 solved with 3 very short chains / headchains; very nice for a snowy Sunday

by: flowerwaffle

 A lucky guess solved it for me, as I couldn't find a chain free solution either.

by: Cosmanita

 Very interesting, I also needed chains, but cool ones. One option in A1 gives no solution for 9 in diagonal \. In addition, diagonal ,\ also does not work with certain options in G7.

by: jgrab

 On third attempt. Needs some HC at the beginning (Where are the 9s in the diagonals?), but from there on it basically works with standard tools. Very nice and challenging!

by: Martinus

 Very nice, needed no chains, but the whole toolbox and especially VCE. Thanks a lot for this fun!

by: Jan

Agree with jgrab, after the initial head chain deciding high/low in the upper left, a few focused eliminations, one using x-power, lead to the solution quickly. Took me a moment to realize that the apparent UR isn't one because one of its cells is on a diagonal.
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by: acs

 The Weekly Str8ts B puzzle #157

by: AndreasM

 That's a really fine puzzle. Not too easy, but neither requiring unreasonable effort.

by: flowerwaffle

 Tricky, I needed some chains. Hint: There's a 3 in column 3.

by: Martinus

Very, very careful elimination in the left half. B power and b settis. Took some time. Thanks!
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by: acs

 The Weekly Str8ts puzzle #765

by: kris

 I don't find it as easy as some boasters do, stuck at 7 solved cells.
My steps: Some CE, Setti 7, x-wing 7, swordfish 6, C9≠4 (UR)
What am I missing?

by: flowerwaffle

 After CE I considered:

if 34 in column 7 then:
- removes 3 from GH5 and G1 => GHJ5 high, A-E5 low
- and starfish 3 in ABC189 removes 3 from B5 which leaves ABE5 >5, which is a contradiction to A-E5 low

So there's no 34 in column 7, after that standard tools suffice (esp. settis ;) )

by: hp

 shortest path i found:
beside CE Col 5 Setti 7,8,6 was enough to solve

by: kris

 @flowerwaffle: smart solution, thank you!
@hp: can't follow you, 6 and 8 are unsure candidates in row J and col 7

by: flowerwaffle

 sorry, I meant swordfish not starfish!

by: hp

 @ kris: maybe you overlooked the hidden pair in Row G (3,4)?

by: hp

 correction: meant the pair in Row G(3,4) after CE Col 5

by: OneGuess

 check what happens, if 8 would be missing in row J (short chain)

by: Fred

 Close look at Col 5, but no hi/lo decision appears. So Setti 7 doesn't take any effect. Where's the mistake?

by: kris

 @Fred: Setti 7 at least produces an x-wing 7 on EJ58
@hp: sorry, like Fred I still don't see a chainless solution; how did CE in col 5 exclude J5=7, GH5=89 ? I think flowerwaffle and OneGuess found the shortest solutions so far ...

by: Cosmanita

 To decide h/l in column 5, I included column 8 and 9. So for me also more a chain than a short interaction.

by: RudiK

 @flowerwaffle: I can't follow you.
A-E5 can still be low, because D5 can be 3.

by: RudiK

@flowerwaffle: sorry, I overlooked that 2 and 4 constitute a pair, 3 cannot be reached. You are perfectly right.
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by: acs

 The Weekly Str8ts BX puzzle #157

by: Cosmanita

 Very nice, developing step by step with B-power and X-power.

by: flowerwaffle

 Nice one, just str8tforward!

by: kmr

 What a nice one, solvable with standard tools. Thanks, Andrew.

by: Hel

 Like the others, very nice, thanks!

by: Susan

 Pretty easy this time, but I loved it!

by: optimator

 really easy: I almost solved it with only X until I remembered it is BX

by: ThomasF

 This was easy, some B steps only

by: Martinus

Like the others. Thanks!
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Page created on 27-June-2010.
All puzzles not marked 'guest compiler' on this site are trademarked and cannot be reproduced without permission.
Copyright Jeff Widderich and Andrew Stuart @ Syndicated Puzzles, Privacy, 2007-2024
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  • 22min - nice and easy
    - hette
  • 46', nur dank S.Walts Hilfe gelöst. Ohne - zu viele Mögllichkeiten für mich.
    - barbara
  • S.Walt. Danke! So ein ganz andrer Ansatz.
    - barbara
  • awful and heavy, waiting since Sunday for a hint that helps - thx S. Walt
    - Susi
  • Sorry: Barbara. Es muss J2=6 heißen.
    - S. Walt
  • puuuuhhhh!
    - Bita
  • @S.Walt: J6 ist nicht belegt!
    - barbara
  • 11 min - second attempt, don't know what I missed before
    - Susan
  • Diesmal schwer für mich, erst J6=6 hat die Lösung gebracht. 4 Versuche. Intressantes Rätsel.
    - S. Walt
  • nice!
    - essie
  • 7 in J is obvious.... ???
    - seven-up
  • 49' - one chain required. Thanks
    - triemers
  • 21:49: checking for 4 in col 7 helps to find 7 in row j; then its a piece of cake
    - franz
  • 2 hours with one H/L guess in column 5.
    - epibrator
  • 34 min. Tried 3x but I finally solved it!
    - mel
  • 1hr 20min - very hard for me, with lots of fish
    - WiltshireEagle
  • 1 hr 45 kin. Ouch!
    - Maven
  • 27 with some guessings
    - Ske
  • 0.01 sek
    - hujbhjnhjm
  • 46 min mit allen Hinweisen
    - Rot
  • 1 hour. Some Settis, no guessing
    - selecti
  • I twice applied a UR, forgetting that a clue was supplied. I wish clues appeared distinctively to avoid this mistake.
    - puzzled
  • 47 minutes, got stuck in the middle but enjoyed it - thanks :)
    - Silke
  • 21' liked it a lot
    - l.
  • 17 min, right order of settis
    - 7iron
  • hab wie immer etwas länger gebraucht, 90 min.
    - dersoloist
  • 37 min, a nice puzzle.
    - poblid
  • 26' Indeed, an early setti gets things going
    - Jan
  • 27:43 - with h/l in col. 5
    - Latimer
  • Settis and one hi/lo guess
    - Alan Bourdillon Traherne
  • with one stait
    - hopplahierkommich
  • 25' some settis
    - ThomasF
  • 34'30 - had to guess h/l in col. 5
    - Beate
  • 34' - with some chains and fish
    - jo
  • just straight forward, only one wing nieder 20'
    - Willi
  • 34' - needed to test options in solver
    - COM
  • 2 h with CE and BCA.
    - E.H.
  • 24' its quite easy, if you start with the right setti ;-)
    - Willi
  • 14 min, very nice
    - fred
  • 22" nice one
    - Bassam
  • 22' that was fun! Happy Sunday, everyone!
    - susu
  • 1:20, that was tough, some settis, some wings, some guessing
    - juehe
  • 18 min, nur settis. sehr entspannt, danke!
    - humpti dumpti
  • 40 min, nicht ganz einfach. Keine 3 in H7, danach geht es.
    - Torsten&Irina
  • 21'. A bit tricky. And nice :-)
    - MartinL
  • 14 min - a fine puzzle
    - Nessi
  • 29' VCE, nice one
    - Hel
  • 37' very nice, CE and settis
    - KDN
  • not easy, fishes and some luck
    - Ute
  • 21 min. with careful considerations on GH7, then standard tools
    - flowerwaffle
  • 0:20:02 So leicht war es schon lang nicht mehr
    - zoo-pony (Tartlau)
  • 33min, lucky guess in column 9
    - Martin
  • 65’ uff, i sometimes thought I give up. But then it worked. tough for me. CE is a must,
    - ThePersistentOne
  • Some fine fishes.
    - Jens
  • 82 min
    - wjanet
  • 23 min; CE and Settis, that's all.
    - jgrab